Post by superrog on Nov 17, 2015 18:27:05 GMT -7
Does anyone know why I don't have any options to tan or harden hide? I can do the first step to cure hides, but nothing comes up with the basin. It says these are the types of leather you know how to tan, then it just has the back button with no other options.
Any help would be great thanks!
Post by superrog on Nov 21, 2015 16:51:03 GMT -7
Well worked it out myself. You have to be able to cure every type of hide first before being able to tan it.
Post by pigron on Nov 22, 2015 15:31:48 GMT -7
Yes, You will find that it is similar for all crafts in the Ambrosia Tailoring System (ATS) Here are some more tips, (for posterity in case you already know them): When you are first capable of crafting a particular item, it will appear in read. This represents the highest challenge with the lowest chance of success. However, when you craft in the red, you get a high learning bonus to improve your skill. The next lowest challenge is dark blue. This is a moderate challenge with a small learning bonus. After this the lowest challenge is light blue with a high chance of success and no learning bonus. Finally, the item will appear in green when your skill is high enough. This represents no challenge, no chance to learn, but automatic success.
Note here that there are two types of success, which we can call material success and learning success. A few crafts give a bonus from high attribute scores for material success (you actually make the item). Weapon smithing and armoring give a bonus from strength, jewel crafting from charisma.
Learning success happens when your skill improves. All crafts add a bonus for item difficulty and high intelligence (1% per +1 bonus) to the learning roll. It is well worth your while to invest in intelligence boosting items to wear while you craft, You also get a bonus to learn if you have had a material success on your roll. So for something like weapon smithing, both intelligence (directly) and strength (because it gave a slightly higher chance for material success) can allow you to learn the craft much faster than a dumb weakling.
Another good tip to help you tan is to keep your inventory as clear as you can. Also, for hardened hides, remember: Badger hide (small) 1 log, 2 salt, 1 beeswax, 1 tanning acid, 1 tanning oil, Deer or cougar (medium) 1 log, 4 salt, 2 beeswax, 1 tanning acid, 1 tanning oil, Brown or Grizzly Bear (large) 2 log, 5 salt, 3 beeswax, 2 tanning acid, 1 tanning oil, For large hides, it is easiest to keep track if you work 10 at a time: 10 bear belts/4 oak log stacks/5 salt blocks/6 beeswax bundles/ 2 acid stacks/ 1 tanning oil stack >>> Just remember 4,5,6! <<<<
Post by superrog on Nov 23, 2015 22:43:50 GMT -7
Thanks for that. Didn't know about intelligence and crafting. I've done weapon, tailor, jewel to max and all secondary skills. Doing armour next, then tinkering, then bows and arrows. Mind you this is the third time, I've been here a couple of times before, but then don't play for a few years!